Friday, May 6, 2011

What is Going On Under DIA: Part II

The Backstory

It was in August of 2010 while on a business trip to New Jersey that I first heard this bizarre tale. While talking to a gate agent at DIA he told me stories of a vast conspiracy involving the New World Order (NWO) and its secret headquarters located in massive buildings and tunnels under Denver International Airport. Of course, I was completely shocked as I had not heard this before. Remarkably, according to this gentleman, these stories began circulating as early as 1995 when Denver International Airport opened.
What Evil Lurks Beneath DIA?
The New World Order under DIA? So what? Well, for many, this is the code-phrase for a world-dominating organization that will usher in the End Times and the Rapture as mentioned in the Bible. It is a belief that individual countries will willingly give up their sovereignty to an all-powerful world government. According to Pat Robertson in his best-selling book, The New World Order, the NWO will be controlled by Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission. Others believe it will be led by the Free Masons, the Illuminati, and even the Vatican. The core Fundamentalist view is that the NWO will eventually lead to the rise of the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and ultimately, the return of Jesus.
Is This Horse Evil? Many Think So!
So the idea that the NWO might be headquartered under DIA would be considered a big deal by some. The specific claims, however, vary widely from the slightly strange to the out-and-out bizarre. Some of the specific claims as they regard DIA are as follows:

1.       A secret complex of buildings and tunnels under DIA serves as headquarters for the New World Order.
2.       Denver is home to the NWO West Sector. Atlanta, Georgia is home to the NWO East Sector.
3.       This complex includes at least five underground buildings. One is 150 feet tall.
4.       These headquarters are at least eight levels deep.
5.       These headquarters include an 88.5 square-mile base. (DIA is only 53 square-miles in area on the surface.)
6.       These headquarters include a 4.5 square-mile underground city.
7.       This complex is operated, in part, by the Free Masons, the Illuminati, the Nazis, the Vatican and Britain to name a few.
8.      Symbols and murals at DIA reflect Nazi themes, including the claim that the footprint of DIA forms a swastika when viewed from above.
9.       Activities at DIA may be related to Operation Paperclip. “This was a plan wherein Nazis were brought into the U.S. to be brought back into power after being financed and having their appearances altered.”
10.   The underground complex is also controlled by other secret societies including the Skull and Bones Society.
11.    Reptilian alien beings known as the Babylon Brotherhood direct a slave-labor concentration camp under DIA.
12.    This slave labor camp includes child slaves.
13.    Thousands of children are eaten by their alien overlords every year.
14.    The Babylon Brotherhood is made up of aliens called Draconians.
15.    The Draconians are half-human shape-shifters.
16.    The Draconians share a bloodline with Native Americans.
17.    The aliens are also known as Big-Eyed Greys and the Reptilians.
18.   The aliens look like “baby Godzillas” with short teeth, slanted eyes, and smell “hideous”.
19.    The aliens may be demons in disguise.
20.   George W. Bush, the Queen of England and Kris Kristopherson are all Draconians.
21.    The capstone at DIA includes a “directional beacon” to “bring (alien) ships right into the (terminal).”       
22.   Ghosts of a mother and a baby haunt the underground tunnels.
23.   Murals depict plants used to produce mind-altering drugs.
24.   Reports of alien abductions world-wide are related to DIA.
25.   Reports of psychic phenomena world-wide are related to DIA.
26.   Reports of crop-circle phenomena world-wide are related to DIA.
27.   The NWO East Sector is located under Olympic Village in Atlanta.
28.   Activities under DIA relate to the death of Jon Benet Ramsey.
29.   Activities under DIA relate to the Columbine Massacre.
30.   DIA is connected to NORAD via an extensive underground tunnel system.

Yes, we are talking about a conspiracy of Biblical proportions. It seems that just about every possible supernatural, paranormal and extraterrestrial phenomenon imaginable is somehow connected to this DIA conspiracy. Even the red-eyed, blue Mustang at the entrance to DIA is implicated in this conspiracy! Forgive my language, but DIA is allegedly home to some very strange shit! 
Is DIA Shaped Like a Swastika?
This is the stuff movies and books are made of, but is it true? What is the evidence? Claims are little more than hot air if they are not supported by empirical evidence. As Carl Sagan once said, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Does this extraordinary evidence exist? This will be the topic of Part III. Stay Tuned!

Stan Monroe

1 comment:

  1. read David Icke explains how all this works.
